Frequently Asked Questions : Momentum Group's Mobile EV Chargers

Welcome to the FAQ section for our Mobile EV Charging Unit! At Momentum Groups, we are proud to offer a versatile and sustainable mobile charging solution designed to meet the growing demand for EV charging infrastructure, no matter where you are. Whether you’re in a remote area, at an event, or facing grid limitations, our mobile units provide reliable, grid-independent power using renewable fuels like propane or zero-emission diesel. Below, you’ll find answers to the most commonly asked questions about how our mobile charging units work, their environmental benefits, and how they can be customized for your needs.

  • How many charging handles do the units have?

    Our units come with at least 2 charging handles.

  • What is the kW output per single or dual charging handle?

    On a 120kW charger, If the vehicle can take the full 120kW that the charger can produce. The vehicle would take the full 120kW. If two vehicles are plugged in at the same time the charger will split the power between each vehicle based on the battery management system in the vehicles.

  • What is the run time of your mobile charging units?

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  • What emissions standards do the units meet, and how do they perform in terms of fuel emissions?

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  • What are the maintenance requirements for both the generator set (genset) and the charger?

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  • Do you have a charging time calculator available to estimate how long it will take to charge a vehicle using your units?

    You can use the handy calaculator below to estimate charging time, just click the button.

    Calculate Charging Time
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